I have in my possession two photographs, both inscribed on their back: Marchbank August 31st 1910. Ostensibly, they were taken on the same day, but note that, with the possible exception of the youngest, the children are all dressed differently in the two pictures. Either they changed, or they were taken on different days. August 31st 1910 was a Wednesday, so this was not a weekend gathering. Perhaps it was a holiday.
You can click on the photos to see enlarged copies.
In the top photo we can see that the two boys at extreme ends of the front row have the same socks – probably the same school uniform.
I need to discover where Marchbank is/was and who lived there.
My 3rd cousin Alice née MOTT has suggested these photos were taken at Brancaster on the north Norfolk coats during a REYNOLDS family holiday. She has identified back row 3rd from right as Beatrice Anna REYNOLDS née RICHARDSON and almost all others as her descendants or their spouses. All living descendants were present apart from her son John Richardson REYNOLDS and his family, who were in India.
I have now found in the biography of Beatrice’s daughter Lilian Mary MOTT née REYNOLDS a reference to this holiday, which took place shortly after the death of Beatrice’s husband Charles Henry REYNOLDS. This source recalls that they were joined by General John Booth RICHARDSON and his wife Annie. I identify him in the back row 2nd from right and Annie as back row centre.
We have now identified all in the group apart from the lady centre of the middle row, and all the children in the children’s line-up. Very satisfying!